Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Took a trip down the road to Newnan!

I was lucky enough to get to go to a local photographer group meet-up this past Sunday in Newnan. I've been to a few of these before, so I knew a few photographers, but it was amazing to meet more! Several of them were kind enough to bring their kids and friends to model for us all. I've brought Harrison to one of these things before, but after he "fell" into a mucky stream on purpose and got soaked, I decided I'd hold off on bringing him again for a little while!

I've only had a chance to edit a few, but I just had to share a few of the sweetest engaged couple that modeled for us! They were friends of one of the Newnan area photographers and were the sweetest couple. We all braved the cold for most of the day and had a great time! Katie, if you read this, thanks so much for getting this lovely couple to pose for us! Here are just a few of them from my day:

Thanks for the pose ideas, Aubrey and Ashley!  Don't you just LOVE this location?  It was awesome! We have some little pockets like this in Old Town Conyers, but this wall was the absolute coolest. Good times!  Will share more (including some beautiful kids!) soon.  Take care everyone!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sleepy, squishy newborn preciousness!

Hello!  Thank goodness it's almost the weekend - doesn't this week feel like it's just drug on and on? Well, I just wanted to take a few minutes to share the newborn photos I got to do of my new niece!  I had to keep these under wraps since I did them in November and it's been killing me not to be able to share them online.  But, I didn't want to ruin the surprise for my Sister-in-law!  

Have I mentioned I LOVED doing a newborn?  This precious baby was my very first and I had so much fun.  For one, it was awesome to have a subject that didn't run away - ha!  And who can resist that sweet little face?  My Sister-in-law probably thought I was crazy when I told her I wanted to get the baby good and tired so she'd stay asleep for me (I made her leave the room while I took them so it would be a surprise later!). The timeframe when you get the super sleepy newborn shots is so short, and I wanted to capture that before she started to become more and more alert.  I figured I'll have plenty of chances to take pics of her with her eyes open, but how many chances do you have before they leave that sleep-filled newborn stage?  So, I accomplished my goal of sweet, sleeping baby shots :-)

Watch out ladies, these just might give you some "baby fever" :-)  Here you go!

So ladies out there who are expecting, give me a call!  I'd love to do another newborn session and am looking for new babies :-)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Trying to get back into the swing of things...

I hope everyone had a fabulous and wonderful holiday season!  I'm so sad that it's already over and once again, it felt like a blur.  We had a wonderful time with our family in Auburn, Alabama! We also made a side-trip to Birmingham to visit my sister-in-law and her beautiful family.  I had fun giving them a few photograph gifts (surprise, surprise!) of their new baby.  And I'm excited that I can finally share some of those pictures here instead of having to keep them hidden and under wraps!  I promise to post those soon.  And if anyone knows of someone expecting a baby, please send them my way!  I had the best time doing my niece's pictures and can't wait to get my hands on another baby!

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and say hello and let you all know I'm back to work (both here and my full-time job)!  So, if you're waiting on an email from me, I promise I'll get to it very soon! In the meantime, I thought I would share pictures of our family's Christmas card from this year (I also had to keep this one a "secret" until they were all mailed out!).  Here it is:



These were 5x7 cards (with a front and back) printed on linen paper - they came out great!  If you're interested in birth announcements, event invitations, note cards, etc, let me know!  I'd love to put something together for you!  In addition to designing a few of my own items, I have many beautiful templates created by wonderful designers.  This beautiful card is part of a collection I purchased which was designed by an amazing fellow photographer, Stephanie Morvant.  Let me know if you'd like any information on cards - I'd be glad to help!

Until next time, I hope everyone has a smooth (and relatively painless) transition back to work this week! Thanks to you all for making 2008 such a great year and for letting me capture your family and children - I truly appreciate it.